
May 08, 2020 04:17pm

Mulago volleyball Club has unveiled a new 15 man squad that will steer the team through the forthcoming Uganda Volleyball Federation National Women’s League.

May 08, 2020 04:20pm

Following the recollection of the women’s team early this year, Mulago Volleyball Club_Friends has named Hadad Sseviiri as the Head Coach.

Speaking during the…

May 07, 2020 03:07pm

Twenty years ago this week, on a chilly spring evening in Paris, a man in a grey and black sweater kicked off a football match at the Parc des Princes. It would be Ayrton Senna's last public appearance before the San Marino Grand…

May 07, 2020 03:04pm

The WSR is heading to Asia in this latest video and features, clubs and locations from the region set to star in GRID 2. Racers earn points for style and form in Drift events on steep and aggressive mountain roads filled with…

May 07, 2020 03:00pm

Feugiat haero laoreet lobortis quidne zelus. Diam oppeto quidem utinam. Ad cui immitto lenis mos nobis nulla quae quibus tego. Adipiscing capto lobortis metuo neque sagaciter. Ille lucidus nisl obruo refoveo usitas venio volutpat.…

Paper Talk

How football matches are fixed in Uganda.

Action continues in the Stanbic Uganda Cup.